Here's Brennan's most recent Round 3 game against Arman:
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I may try using Chess Microbase to annotate my own games as well. It looks very clean, and everything is online. Check it out.
The Kingston Chess Club is located in the picturesque City of Kingston, Ontario, Canada on the north shore of Lake Ontario at the head of the St. Lawrence River. Toronto is approximately 260 km to the west, Montreal is about 290 km to the east and Ottawa is about 175 km to the northeast. Enjoy your visit.
I think Black prematurely released the tension with 12 ... Bxe2. I would've tried Rc8 or Be7 to develop while keeping the tension. White's minor pieces are actually quite passive behind the d-pawn, and with this pawn structure, Black typically wants to play for an attack on the Queen side. Thoughts, anyone?