Thank you to all for attending the 2012/2013 Year-End Party (except that there was no pizza left by the time the senior club members arrived). Here are some of the decisions we made today:
Etiquette for Missing Tournament Rounds
When possible, players will advise the tournament director (TD) if/when the player will not be able to make it to a tournament round, at least
ONE-WEEK in advance. The TD will post pairings the club website on Wednesdays, so players must inform the TD before then, in order for the game to be re-paired.
If a player is unable to inform TD of his/her absence prior to the Wednesday before the tournament round,
the player must contact both the TD and the opponent, and re-schedule the game to a mutually agreed upon time. Please consult your TD with questions.
If you miss a round, and do not inform the TD or your opponent, you will receive
a loss by forfeit, which counts as a regular loss (i.e. ratings will be adjusted accordingly).
To facilitate communication, we will be collecting contact information from all members at the start of the 2013-2014 season.
Events for 2013-2014
We will have 5 tournaments for 2013-2014 (just like for 2012-2013). List is as follows (dates are tentative):
Tournament Name
Jim Cairns Memorial Swiss
Sept 16 – Oct 21
President’s Challenge
Oct 28 – Dec 2
4-players per section
Double Round-Robin
Kingston Chess Club Championship
Jan 6 – Feb 3
KCC Rapid
Feb 10 – Mar 3
Single Section
Advanced Swiss
Spring Open / Spring Robin
Mar 17 – Apr 21
6 players per section
Determining the Grand Aggregate Winner